The latest news and views from the Infinity Health team
Free event: virtual wards are about more than remote monitoring
In this online event, Infinity Health’s Clinical Director, Dr Jo Garland, and CEO Elliott Engers, will discuss how to take virtual wards beyond remote monitoring into truly wraparound services. Devaneson Robert from London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust’s virtual ward will join to discuss how Infinity has impacted the team’s working practices, improving their capacity to see patients by over 55%.
Free NHS event: digital solutions for Integrated Care Systems
Infinity Health and Liaison Group will discuss and present digital solutions and tools that can support the different partners within Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to collaborate and coordinate care for the same patients.
Practical tools for ICSs to coordinate care and connect partners caring for the same patient
At this virtual event, Elliott Engers and Dr Jo Garland will use real-world case studies to explore practical ways that ICSs can achieve integration - from real-time sharing of patient information, to tackling the outpatient backlog.